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Continua la saga de perdidas – El turno de Capcom y Samsung

Nefasto mes sin duda para ser accionista, luego de un boom de pérdidas que ha caracterizado este mes en cuanto a reportes de ganancias de distintas compañías.

Empezamos con la empresa japonesa dedicada al entretenimiento Capcom, conocidos por famosos juegos como Street Fighters, Ghosts ‘n Goblins, Resident Evil (Biohazard en Japón) y DarkStalkers (Vampire en Japón) quienes reportaron pérdidas en este Q1 2011.

La compañía reportó ventas netas de 11.953 millones de yenes, un descenso del 37 por ciento de los 19.037 millones de yenes que reportó en el primer trimestre del año pasado. Capcom vio un aumento en las ganancias para el trimestre, informes ¥ 338 millones, un aumento del 58 por ciento respecto al mismo trimestre del año pasado.

Pero, la venta de juegos para móviles se incrementó un 79.8%.

La división de juegos electrónicos experimentó un aumento del 7.7% en las ventas, pero un aumento saludable de los ingresos operacionales, hasta 192.5%.

Comunicado de prensa:

Press Release
Company Name : Capcom Co., Ltd.
Representative: Haruhiro Tsujimoto, President and COO
(Company Code: 9697 Tokyo-Osaka Stock Exchange)
Contact: Public Relations and Investor Relations Office
Phone Number: +81-6-6920-3623

Lower earnings on lower sales on Financial Results
for ended June 30, 2011
37.2% decrease in Net Sales, 22.9% decrease in Operating Income
from Previous Term

– Mobile and Online businesses contributed to the profit
despite the lack of major titles –

Capcom Co., Ltd. would like to announce that net sales decreased to 11,953 million yen (down 37.2% from the previous year). As for profits, operating income decreased to 775 million yen (down 22.9 % from the previous year), and ordinary income increased to 546 million yen (up 152.8 % from the previous year). Net income for the current period increased to 338 million yen (up 58.2 % from the previous year).

In flagship Consumer Online Games business, there were no new major titles launched during this 3 months. Meanwhile the continued success of “Monster Hunter Freedom 3”, which was a big hit previous fiscal year, “Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D”, “Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition” basically achieved projected sales.

In the Mobile Contents business, Capcom launched “Beeline” in April 2011 as an innovative new brand for smartphones, while establishing Beeline Interactive Japan Co., Ltd. to develop and distribute games. In addition, “Smurfs’ Village”, a big hit since its launch last year, continued to enjoy extreme success.

As a results, consolidated financial results for ended June 30, 2011 was decreased in sales and operating income, affected by the lack of major titles in the Consumer Online Games business.

Forecast for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2012 is not changed due to the need to monitor changes in market conditions in the remaining three quarters of the fiscal year.

1. Results for the 1st quarter ended June 30, 2011 (from April 1, 2011 to June 30, 2011)

Net sales Operating income Ordinary income Net income
Million Yen Million Yen Million Yen Million Yen
3 months ended
June 30, 2011
11,953 775 546 338
3 months ended
June 30, 2010
19,037 1,005 216 213


2. Forecast for the Fiscal Year ending March 31, 2012

Net sales Operating income Ordinary income Net income Earnings per share
of common stock
Million Yen Million Yen Million Yen Million Yen Yen
6 months ending Sept. 30, 2011 26,000 700 600 200 3.43
Year ending March 31, 2012 86,000 12,100 12,000 7,000 120.87

3. Status of Each Operational Department


(1) Consumer Online Games
(Units : Million Yen)
3 months ended
June 30, 2010
3 months ended
June 30, 2011
Net sales 14,995 6,462 -56.9%
Operating income 1,784 419 -76.5%
Operating margin 11.9% 6.5%


a. In this business segment, in addition to the continued success of “Monster Hunter Freedom 3” (for PlayStation Portable), which was a big hit last fiscal year, “Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D” (for Nintendo 3DS), “Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition” (for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360) and the online exclusive title “Monster Hunter Frontier Online Forward.1” (for PC, Xbox 360) basically achieved projected sales.

b. The resulting net sales were 6,462 million yen (down 56.9 % from the same term last year), and the operating income was 419 million yen (down 76.5 % from the same term last year).

(2) Mobile Contents
(Units : Million Yen)
3 months ended
June 30, 2010
3 months ended
June 30, 2011
Net sales 680 1,223 79.8%
Operating income 97 451 362.2%
Operating margin 14.3% 36.9%


a. The social game market expanded rapidly. “Smurfs’ Village”, a big hit since its launch through Facebook last year, continued to enjoy extreme success. Social games continued strong performance, as exemplified by the total number of downloads of “Smurfs’ Village” in excess of 19 million, together with “Zombie Cafe” and “Lil’ Pirates”, which also underwent growth, served as the driving force in increasing revenues.

b. In addition to “Monster Hunter: Dynamic Hunting” for iPhone / iPod touch faring well, the distribution of “Resident Evil: Outbreak Survive” for “GREE”, one of the most popular SNS in Japan with “Mobage” was commenced in June, while also providing “Sengoku BASARA: Mobile” for “Mobage”.

c. The resulting net sales were 1,223 million yen (up 79.8 % from the same term last year), and the operating income was 451 million yen (up 362.2% from the same term last year).

(3) Arcade Operations
(Units : Million Yen)
3 months ended
June 30, 2010
3 months ended
June 30, 2011
Net sales 2,630 2,832 7.7%
Operating income 178 521 192.5%
Operating margin 6.8% 18.4%


a. Ten of Capcom’s arcades in the Kanto and Tohoku regions were seriously affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake in March 2011, including damages to the building, flooding and breakage of equipment. Although they were forced to shut down temporarily, intense recovery efforts subsequently enabled all arcades to reopen for business in April 2011.

b. In this environment, arcades are regaining ground as they are re-evaluated as readily accessible entertainment that is “affordable, close (to home) and brief (short-term)” owing to the waning of excessive self-restraint that was evident immediately after the earthquake, further helped by the tail wind of inclination to economize.

c. In the absence of the closing and the opening of arcades during the current period, the total number of arcades remains the same as at the end of the previous fiscal period, at 37.

d. The resulting net sales were 2,832 million yen (up 7.7 % from the same term last year), and the operating income was 521 million yen (up 192.5 % from the same term last year).

(4) Amusement Equipments
(Units : Million Yen)
3 months ended
June 30, 2010
3 months ended
June 30, 2011
Net sales 252 870 245.3%
Operating income -169 6
Operating margin -67.1% 0.7%


a. As regards arcade game machines, with the product supply cycle entering a slow period, Capcom made efforts to promote the sale of existing products in addition to releasing “New Super Mario Brothers: Wii Coin World”.

b. As for the Pachislo machines, Capcom was forced to engage in repeat sales with no shipment of new products, the business having entered the sowing period.

c. The resulting net sales were 870 million yen (up 245.3% from the same term last year), and the operating income was 6 million yen (the operating loss of the same term last year was 169 million yen).

(5) Other Businesses
(Units : Million Yen)
3 months ended
June 30, 2010
3 months ended
June 30, 2011
Net sales 479 564 17.8%
Operating income 30 254 729.2%
Operating margin 6.3% 45.0%


The net sales from other businesses, mainly character-related licensing royalties, were 564 million yen (up 17.8 % from the same term last year), and the operating income was 254 million yen (up 729.2% from the same term last year).

Mientras que Samsung reportó también esta semana como le fue en el Q2 2011.

La coreana reportó una disminución significativa en las ganancias a pesar de aumento modesto de ingresos. Los ingresos de Samsung marcó un aumento del 4% año con año a 39,44 billones de wones coreanos, pero su utilidad neta consolidada de ₩ 351 trillones, una fuerte disminución del 18% respecto al mismo trimestre en 2010.

La división de LCDs fue el más afectado, registrando una pérdida operativa de ₩ 210 mil millones en los ingresos de 7.09 billones de won (moneda surcoreana), que se redujo un 9% año tras año. Negocio de telecomunicaciones de Samsung recaudó ₩ 1218 trillones en el trimestre de junio, y el beneficio llegó a 1.67 billones de wones.

Mientras que la división de semiconductores registró unos ingresos de 1.79 billones de wones en el segundo trimestre, que fue de forma secuencial desde el ₩ 164 billones, pero abajo del 2.94 millones de won en el segundo trimestre del año pasado.

Comunicado de prensa:

Samsung Electronics Announces Second Quarter 2011 Results

– Consolidated operating profit reaches 3.75 trillion won on revenues of 39.44 trillion won

SEOUL, Korea – July 29, 2011 – Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. today announced revenues of 39.44 trillion Korean won on a consolidated basis for the second quarter ended June 30, 2011, a 4-percent increase year-on-year. For the quarter, the company posted consolidated net income of 3.51 trillion won, representing an 18-percent decrease year-on-year. Consolidated operating profit for the quarter was 3.75 trillion won.

In its earnings guidance disclosed on July 7, Samsung estimated second-quarter consolidated revenues would reach approximately 39 trillion won with an operating profit of 3.7 trillion won.

By business segment, Telecommunications drove revenue growth in the second quarter, with sales rising 43 percent year-on-year due to strong demand for Samsung’s GALAXY SII smartphone and other mobile devices. Digital Media & Appliances saw sales increase from the previous quarter supported by improved demand for flat panel TVs.

Operating profit declined year-on-year from the record-setting second quarter of 2010, as weakened demand reduced margins in the Semiconductor and Display Panel businesses. The bottom line was supported by an operating profit of 1.67 trillion won from the Telecommunications businesses.

“Despite the challenging business environment and global economic uncertainties, we achieved continued year-on-year revenue growth in the second quarter driven by mobile device sales, particularly the success of our smartphones,” said Robert Yi, Vice President and Head of Samsung Electronics’ Investor Relations Team. “Heading into the third quarter – which typically sees increased consumer demand for electronics – we expect competition to remain tight, and will continue to enhance our cost competitiveness and technology leadership in the components businesses.”

Capital expenditure for the second quarter was 5.6 trillion won, bringing the total investment for the first six months of 2011 to 11.2 trillion won. Samsung said the annual projected capex of 23 trillion won remained unchanged, however a shift in allocation to increase semiconductor and reduce LCD investment was possible.

Weak Memory Demand Sees Profit Decline

Samsung’s Semiconductor businesses recorded a consolidated operating profit of 1.79 trillion won in the second quarter, improving from the 1.64 billion achieved in the first quarter but declining from the 2.94 billion won registered the previous year. Revenue reached 9.16 trillion won, a 4-percent decrease year-on-year. The operating profit margin was 19.6 percent.

The Memory Business posted 5.89 trillion won in revenue for the quarter, a 12-percent dip from the same period a year earlier. Demand for commodity DRAM remained weak as global PC shipments saw low-single digit growth, however higher growth was seen in server-related memory sales for data centers and for high-density mobile memory products for smartphones and tablet manufacturers. In response to continued oversupply in the market, Samsung strengthened its cost competitiveness through further migration to 30-nm-class DRAM production and reinforced its focus on high-value added products. For NAND, demand was also driven by orders for mobile device applications while spot prices decreased on weak seasonality.

Sales for the System LSI Business increased as demand for mobile application processors and high-quality image sensors rose. Samsung also announced its foundry business is now ready to start 28nm process manufacturing as it continues to strengthen investment in research and development.

In the third quarter, increased seasonal PC shipments are expected bolster demand in the key DRAM segment, although concerns remain over high inventory levels among PC manufacturers. NAND supply is forecast to be tight due to strong seasonal demand driven by smartphone and tablet sales.

LCD Panel Prices Fall

The Display Panel Business recorded an operating loss of 210 billion won on revenue of 7.09 trillion won, down 9-percent in sales compared with the same period last year.

Overall market shipments of LCD panels increased 8 percent quarter-on-quarter in expectation of the upcoming peak season and Chinese National Day, but panel inventory levels remained high due to slow set sales. Samsung’s total panel shipments increased in the mid 10-percent range compared with the first quarter.

While the average sales price for light-emitting diode (LED) panels for notebook PCs and monitors climbed moderately, prices dropped for TV panels over 40-inches in diameter.

With the peak season approaching, total industry panel shipments for the third quarter are expected to increase 6 percent quarter-on-quarter to 184 million units although global economic uncertainties will continue to weigh on consumer demand. Samsung aims to expand sales of premium panels for 3D and Smart TVs, while further enhancing the efficiency of its productions lines and supply chain.

Smartphone Sales Boost Telecom Profit

The Telecommunications businesses – including mobile communications and telecommunication systems – posted an operating profit of 1.67 trillion won on revenue of 12.18 trillion won. The businesses achieved an operating profit margin of 13.7 percent for the quarter.

Samsung’s Mobile Communications Business saw revenues rise 45 percent year-on-year to 11.69 trillion won. Shipments of mobile handsets increased in the high-single-digit range quarter-on-quarter driven by brisk sales of smartphones including the flagship GALAXY SII, which began to be rolled out globally during the quarter. The average sales price of handsets increased by more than 10 percent.

Samsung expected market demand for mobile handsets to increase by more than 15 percent in the second half, driven by consumers upgrading to smartphones. In the third quarter, Samsung will continue to drive sales of the GALAXY SII and strengthen its product lineup with new mobiles featuring Long-Term Evolution technology. The company will also proactively respond to increased demand for tablet devices with its GALAXY Tab portfolio in various sizes. The Mobile Communications Business is on track to achieve its 2011 goals of outperforming market growth and maintaining a double digit operating margin.

For the Telecommunications Systems Business, revenue and operating profit improved year-on-year supported by increased investment from mobile carriers in LTE network infrastructure.

Digital Media & Appliances Defies Market Conditions

The Digital Media & Appliances businesses – including Visual Display, IT Solutions and Digital Appliances – posted revenues of 14.07 trillion won for second quarter. The operating profit of 510 billion won represented an improvement on the 100 billion won registered the same period last year.

Samsung’s flat panel TV shipments and profitability both increased for the quarter, as sales of LED TVs continued to pick up in developed and emerging markets. LED TV sales accounted for roughly half of all Samsung LCD TVs sold for the quarter, reflecting the wide acceptance of the new technology.

Overall, flat panel TV market demand in the third quarter is projected to increase in the mid 10-percent range quarter-on-quarter supported by strong seasonality. Samsung aims to expand sales of Smart TVs by providing region-specific TV applications and content for viewers.

As for Digital Appliances, revenues grew strongly on sales of premium products such as air conditioners and refrigerators in both Korea and emerging markets, especially Latin America.

Amante de la Tecnología, Blogging, Música y del Vacilón. Fanático de Linux, Ingeniero, Critico Tecnológico, Humano. "Tantas cosas por las que la gente trolea y a sabiendas que la vida es una, prefiero dejarlos como locos."